Programs & Projects
~~~Projects and programs organized and operated under the auspices of Pro Players Association are tax exempt under our 501(c)3 status. A copy of our Federal Exemption can be found on our Contact Page.
“Every student in the nation should have an education in the arts.”…MENC Music Educators National Conference
The benefits conveyed by music education can be grouped in four categories:
Success in society
Success in school
Success in developing intelligence
Success in life
Music education in our schools has been jeopardized or eliminated due to the huge cuts in funding throughout the state.
In response, Pro Players Association is working with several local sic professionals developing a music academy for youth in Colorado. The academy would be a nonprofit branch of our organization, offering an introduction to music and teaching instrumental lessons to underprivileged, disabled, and at-risk youth. These children are the ones who have been most affected by the budget cuts in the school system's low income areas. The programs "Put a Horn in Your Hand", “Go Strum Around”, "Stick It", and “Finger Those Keys” will help to get those kids acquainted and familiarized with musical possibilities through discipline, respect, responsibility, and success.
This project is evolving from the organization of sponsorships and fundraisers to fund, accomplished musical talent to teach, and industry professionals to provide.
Together we can help provide for the future of music education through our efforts to “Keep the Beat Alive”.
Check out our CYMBAL page for more information on this project that we provide to the community.
Wayne Valley H.S. Band Alumni Association
"Concert for the Band", May 21-23, 2010, Wayne Valley HS, Wayne, NJ - PPA organized the band alumni association in an effort to bring together the former "band" family to help support the current band with fund raising efforts. Invited membership, inclusive of former band students, former band directors, student teachers, color and honor guard from all the established years of the high school's history, 1952-2009, will come together to perform a concert, like-no-other, as a fund raising event for the current school band. Individuals volunteering their time will be arriving from across the globe. Each volunteer will make a donation, proceeds collected from concert ticket sales and the Band Parents Bake Sale will all be contributed to the WVHS Band Fund. For more information and updates visit the PPA sponsored Alumni web site:
FIELDS FOR THE FUTURE, a community service project of the Pro Players Association. The purpose of the project is raise funds to financially aid in providing for the construction, maintenance and/or renovation of a field for the purpose of youth sports within a community setting.
"THE FRIENDS OF JAKE FUND"® for Service Dogs
The fund was so called, "The Friends of Jake Fund" to memorialize Gary R. Adler's first Guide/Service and Search & Rescue Dog.
The purpose of the fund is to provide veterinary care to Service Dogs when their disabled owners are experiencing a financial hardship.
The fund was originally founded in 2000 as the "Friends of Jake Foundation" at Colorado State University Veterinary Hospital.
"Jake" (Jacob Bryce Adler), a Cocker Spaniel, was well-known throughout the world for his distinguished and life saving service to Gary, and also to the community as a Search and Rescue Dog.
At 4 years of age, Jake was trained for Search and Rescue and originally served with Gary on the NJ Forest Fire Service Search & Rescue Team. At 9 years of age, Jake trained for Guide and Service to assist as Gary's vision was deteriorating from an injury.
In 1993, Jake was named the first mascot of the Colorado Rockies after a petition of over 5000 names of fans, team players and staff was presented to the organizations front office. Many people had the pleasure of meeting Jake, ranging from members of pro sports to members of British Royalty to leaders of the world, as well as just the common person.
In 1996, Jake accompanied Gary on a trip to Sydney, Australia. Jake was the first Service Dog to travel "on-board" a Quantas airliner. He was also the first Service Dog to enter Australia without quarantine. Gary was the co-author, along with the Veterinary Consul General of Australia, of a bill allowing Service Dogs to forgo quarantine, as to not deprive their disabled partners of their necessary service. The bill passed into law by the Parliament of Australia at Canberra in time for Gary and Jake to take their trip. Jake was honored by the Australian Government and the people of Australia. Members of the Veterinary Consul and fourteen members of the Australian Press Corps were waiting to welcome Jake upon arrival at the Sydney Airport.
In one of his many assignments as a Search Dog, Jake was the first SAR Dog on scene at the Columbine High School shootings in April 1999. Jake and Gary remained on standby at the scene for three weeks to assist when needed.
In September 1999, Jake was diagnosed with Sarcoma. He fought a great battle attempting to stay forever by Gary's side. Sadly he lost his fight on December 24, 1999, passing away in Gary's arms at 15 1/2 years of age.
Jake's devotion and love was always for Gary first, yet, he befriended all.
Emergency response to assist local, county and state agencies with emergency management, incident command, emergency communications and resource coordination. Our emergency services unit services 11+ counties in Northeastern Colorado in association with the Department of Homeland Security. We provide search & rescue services, specializing in weather emergency response, logistics and resource management. Member: NASAR. We assist the National Weather Service with severe weather warning and alert process in efforts to save lives sand protect property. We are members of SKYWARN-NWS (Certified Storm Spotter) and CAST-NWS. In 2018 Statewide Emergency Management Response was appointed as a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, your organization is committing to work with NOAA and other Ambassadors to strengthen national resilience against extreme weather.
Check out our volunteer emergency services page for more information on the public safety projects that we provide to the community.
Pro Players in the Community
The Advisory Council plans, advises and generally assists the officers and employees responsible for the operation of the service program or institution. The council looks to the advisory board for coordination of fund-raising and community relations.
PPA CEO Gary R. Adler (right) assists with the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Grand Opening of the Salvation Army's Northglenn, CO Thrift Store on Jan. 27, 2017. Establishment and Implementation of the Army's Thrift Stores are one of the duties of the Advisory Council.
The Friends of Jake Fund, CYMBAL, Statewide Emergency Management Response/Denver Search & Rescue, and the WVHS Band Alumni Association are programs and projects of Pro Players Association and receive identical tax exempt status and conditions privileged under the same Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3.